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Relevant particulars on the CSIR Research Scheme,NEHU,Chemistry

Call for Price Quotations for Purchases and for Applications for Staff-appointment as JRF/SRF/RA

(Magic Angle Spinning)  MAS-NMR in solids(Powder Specimen)

(Magic Angle Spinning)  MAS  NMR t quotation and terms and conditions of supply for

[[ 4mm stator(Boron Nitride) and Rotor with RF Coil tunable to 300 MHz protn frequency and corresponding X nuclei frequency for constructing a MASS probe accessory for Bruker AC 300 Multinuclear NMR System ]]

The above  requirement stands updated now as follows:tion of special offer for t[his CSIR SCheme has been extended by the  Bruker Biospin, Switzerland [A MAS-Probe body MAS PK of an AC-200 NMR Spectrometer would be available  for purchase which is a special offer from Bruker-Biospin,Zwitzerland for this project [ www.bruker-biospin.com ]

This matter of purchasing the MAS PK for constructing the MAS Accessory for the AC 300 (at RSIC, NEHU, Shillong) is under active consideration by the purchase committee with the principal investigator of this CSIR Scheme as the convenor.

Quotations are INVITED for the following Electronic components:

Voltronics High Voltage High Q Variable Capacitors ranges:1-30 pf; 1-10 pf;for 1H and 3-50 pf for X nuclei

Polyflow High Voltage High Q Variable Capacitors

Cetralab Fixed High Voltage Capacitors 3/5 Kilovolts :3pf; 5pf; 10pf; 20pf; 25pf; 50pf; 100pf; 150pf

Semi-rigid co-axial RF Cable 50 ohms characteristic impedance 1/8" Dia and Teflon dielectric filled

Name Dr.S.Aravamudhan

Title Lecturer

Company North eastern hill university,Shillong

CLICK on this LINK " http://geocities.com/amudhan_nehu/index.html " to display another website of this principal investigator. This site would contain an index of the different Web Pages in the directory   http;//........../amudhan_nehu/.... The very first link which would appear on this index page is the link to the MS Word Document which contains the announcement as above in a conveniently readable and printable FORM.

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