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L13931-Aravamudhan Sankarampadi, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Chemistry, N.E.H.U., Shillong, 793022, MEGHALAYA
Subscribed member: International Society for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Subscribed Member: Congress Ampere
Life Member: Association of Chemistry Teachers
Had been a member of American Chemical Society
Life member National Magnetic Resonance Society
Life member Indian Biophysical Society
Life Member Chemical Research Society of India
Participated in RSC-FD 77 Farday Discussions of Royal Society Jan 2015
RSC-FD 77 postings
BIODATA of S Aravamudhan
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Dr. S. Aravamudhan :
Professor (retired after superannuation on 30th November 2006); Adjunct faculty (as N.E.H.U. Pensioner);
North Eastern Hill University, P.O.NEHU Campus, Mawkynroh, Umshng, SHILLONG
Specialization: Quantum Chemistry, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy : ESR, NMR, High ResolutionNMR in Liquids, High ResolutionPMR
in Solid&; Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance.
Publications: Total of about 10 in International & Indian Journals
Participated in (nearly 80 in. number) National (held in INDIA) and International Conferences (held in INDIA and Olher Countries)
and has made significant contributions in the field of research specialization.
Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Z.P.I•vl.P.High School,Chittoor,Andhra Pradesh (A.P .),India ,year 1962
B.Sc., !lfathematics,Physics and Chemistry{general), Government Arts and Science College, Chittoor, A .P.,lndia , 1962 to
1965: Grade Obtained: Distinction (marks obtained >75%) with university second rank of merit
M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati,A.P .Grade Obtained: A+ (68%•75%), year 1968
Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute ofTechnology,Kanpur,U .P ., India on topic Thesis on Experimental Studies
Overbauser Effect in Free Radical Solutions, year 1975 for a glimpse ofthe Synopsis of the Thesis
URL: synopsis of thesis
Professional Positions (wit& dates):
Demonstrator in Physics, G.A & S College, chittoor, Andhra Pradesh,India, year 1965·66
Post Doctoral Fellow,Max planck Gesselschaft, at Max planck Institute fur Medizinische forschung, Abteilung Molekulare Physik,
Heidelberg, Germany , year 1975-77 Carried out research in the area of "High Resolution NMR in Solids: multiple pulse
line· narrowing experiments for the determination of Shielding Tensors of Proton in single crystals of organic molecules".
Experimental design and construction of Probes for the proton enhanced rare nulclei detection of N15 containing single crystal
specimen. held an ppointment as wissenschaflliche mitarbeiter in lhe Fach Bereich Physik at the Institut fuer Atom und
Fest Koerper Physik, Free University of Berlin, Berlin west Germany in the Sonder Forschungs Bereich: Optical Nuclear(proton)
Polarisation Enhanced detection of Rare nuclei by Hartmarm & Hahn proton polarisation transfer technique followed by rare
spin F1D detection for the determination of the Shielding Tensors of Rare Nulclei. Year 1977 to 78.
As Scientist at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India during 1979•80. at the FT NMR facility of NCL. As Research
Associate at the Department of Chemistry, Indian lnstib.lte of Technology, Kanpur,U .P ., India in the research project on
Multiple Pulse Line Narrowing Technique for Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Studies, during 1982-83
Since 1985, Dr.Aravamudhan has been Teaching Chemistry with Research in Magnetic Resonance & Quantum Chemistry at
the Department of Chemistry, North Eastern Hill Universitv Shillong. 793022
teaching and reasearch as faculty
Sankarampaci ARAVAMUDHAN
Date of Birth: 0l-12-!844;PlaceofBirth: Madras, INDIA
Books published by Dr. S. Aravamudhan on display at online book stores:
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