Relevant particulars on the CSIR Research Scheme,NEHU,Chemistry
A Fascimile of the Letter from CSIR Conveying approval of Research Scheme
NEW DELHI", can be known from the website http://hrdcsir.tripod.com/ and for an access to this site the cursor may be placed on the fascimile below to further "CLICK".
Letter Conveys Approval of Sanction of Scheme |
Fascimile of Letter from CSIR, New Delhi |
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 19:52:04 +0000 (GMT) From: "Mr.S.Aravamudhan" <amudhan20012000@yahoo.co.in> | Block Address Add to Address Book Reply-to: amudhan20012000@yahoo.co.in Subject: An Inquiry in Connection with Scheme Submitted for Grant To: csircx@nda.vsnl.net.in CC: dgcsir@csir.res.in, csircx@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in Please Refer to my Application Chem 238 dated 23/09/2000; your acknowledgement No:4517/NS/01/EMR II DATED 30/04/2001
I am sending this message from Chennai where I had been for the past 15 days. I have been out of Station from Shillong since
the 17th of Jan.2002 and possibly I shall be returning to NEHU , Shillong around the 20th of March 2002. Only after this
I would look up my mail box to know the correspondences/communications received as usual in the Mail Box at deaprtment ofChemistry,NEHU.
In the meantime I would like to inform the CSIR of the Following: 1) I have been taking the initiative to
further concretise on the initiatives I have been taking towards what I had envisaged in the project and in view of the time
required for processing the applications for Funding at CSIR, I would be seeking to apply for Visiting Associateships to be
present at NCL,Pune about which I had already mentioned in one of my earleier correspondences and required Prescribed Forms
of Application.I have written to NCL,Pune also to consider this possibility. 2) I have the Possibility to visit
Buenos Aires,Argentina to present a paper at the XIV International Biophysics Congress and I have sent in my applcation
to CSIR for travel grant. In the meantime the Organizers of the Conference have been able to extend AID to me from the Grants
of WELCOME TRUST UK to the tune of US $1,000/- I request that CSIR also should let me know the possibilities soon. 3)
In connection with the Bench Top model Facilities to be setup at NEHU,RSIC/Cept.of Chemistry?School of Life Sciences I could
Correspond with Bruker and I had sent in information about it to CSIR subsequent to the Application date. The cost of such
Units cannot be contained within the amount I have requested as Grant in the APPLICATION. However I do not want to Keep it
as a project entirely out of the purview of such initiatives and while considering the scheme in its entirity Irequest
that due clarifications be provided to referees that this huge amount incommensurate with the amount of 5.5Lakhs stated
in the application should not be shown as a cause to say that the entire Project would not be Viable. Consider the merit of
the initiatives,state what can be done with the amount granted and suggest how to carry throgh the other initiatiives included
there in which require funds in excess of what is requested. This all is only to mean that it should not be concluded that
I included all these possibilities without actually comprehending the magnitude of amount which is necessary.I have beentrying
to visit some of the laboratories which the J.H Associates at Bangalore suggested regarding the Functioning of the Bench top
Models of Resonance Instruments UK. I request an early reply and suggestions on how to carry out
such schemes at such places as the NEHU,Shillong where awareness about these well known NMR techniques is still not so much
as to be fully appreciative of such initiatives and the entire mobilisation,support and implementation will be the one
Pricipal Investigators' responsibility. S.Aravamudhan
===== Mr.S.Aravamudhan M.Sc., Ph.D.Lecturer,Department of Chemistry, North Eastern Hill University,
Shillong 793 022 Meghalaya, INDIA Tel: 91-0364-550 041 Fax: 91-0364-550 486 91-0364-550 076 Email: amudhan2000@rediffmail.com, saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in
In response to the information furnished by the PI the CSIR has provided a possiblity
for an extra-equipment-grant as per the message of the letter faintly legible text of the letter below:
The Letter from CSIR in response to Pl mail above |
The Extra Equipment Provision Communicated as Above |
An Effort is being Made to send a Renewed applicationfor the Extra
equipment grant and further seek an Extension for one more year after the Natural Termination of the scheme on 31-12-2004.
This should enable the continuation of the Work started during the Tenure of this scheme with targets set on accentuated topically
interesting aspects and fallouts of this scheme.
S.Aravamudhan -- inserted
on Monday, July 12, 2004