Relevant particulars on the CSIR Research Scheme,NEHU,Chemistry
On the First Phase of Objectives & on Application for Extra Equipment Grant
Import item - MAS Probe Mechanical Assembly Received
Assembling the electronic components and tuning and testing would complete the construction
A Statement prepared for Bruker Biospin International AG, switzerland
Refer to the Order for Goods as per Amended
Quotation No: INH03732.H01 dated 16.07.2003 as per the Packing List: 80013465 Date 09.07.2004 from Bruker Biospin International AG, Gotthard strasse 18 CH-6304 Zug (Switzerland)
Description: PH MASVTN300SB BL4 W/O
No: H13292
This consignment
could be collected on 03-01-2005 in the afternoon from Shillong City office of the Indian Airlines sent by the Clearing Agent
at Kolkata
On 07-01-2005 during the day, the
outer package which seemed to be intact original package from Zurich, could be opened and the inner package had a packing
list E(?) FHZ48378 of Bruker Biospin AG, Industrie
Starsse 26,8117 Fallenden, Switzerland and a
Kunden Auftrags [Nummer ZH029104 (your reference Number in Packing List above] were found pasted on it.
here are two items listed on this package
one of them (listed as second)is the material Nr. H13292 and the other item is mentioned with the name containing “waste” and this package has not been opened further yet as on 07-01-2005.
Date: Friday,Janouary 07,2005
Subsequently, the inside package
was opened and the material was seen to be received intact.
The Following message Sent to CSIR Recently is indicative
of the progress being made on the SUBHEAD title for this page:
The HRDG, CSIR, EMR-II, New Delhi 110 012
A message has been received from the Bruker BioSpin International
AG., Switzerland that the MAS Probe Accessory part for AC 200 has been booked by Lufthansa Flight on the 11th July 2004 which
makes itpossible that I can plan out more certainly for the construction activity towards realizing the First Pahse of the
Objective. Since the Natual Termination ofthe Scheme is due on 31-12-2004 I have also applied for an Extension of the Scheme.
With this possibility and with the Clarifications which CSIR is yet to provide on the possiblity of Utilizing Staff Grant
also towards the expenses under the Account Head "Contingency" I look forward to better results to
come by. This request is being sent along with the following TEXT of Foewarded message indicative of the possibilities provided
the time scales of implementation are properly taken into consideration to provide for the continuation of the Work started
during the tenure of this CSIR Funded Scheme.
Sanakarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN
<inboxnehu_sa@yahoo.com> wrote:
Mon, 12 Jul 2004 01:21:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Sanakarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN Subject: Request INFO
on Density Functional Packages. To: info@scm.com, admin@scm.com, sales@scm.com CC: support@scm.com, saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in,
schrecke@t12.lanl.gov, schrecke@cc.umanitoba.ca
I wish to secure a User Name and password for the
Data base of the Scientific Computing and Modelling Website www.scm.com
particularly the DOWNLOADS site of SCM for the Density Functional Packages.
Require instructions. message specific to SALES SCM can be found as the lowest part down
below of this message with Research Interests LINKS.
For research interests:URL:
Department of Chemistry
North Easern Hill University
Shillong (Meghalaya) 793022 INDIA
Send me a Terms and Conditions for a trial Package as from the Page:
Free trial version
A fully functional version of the ADF package is available as a free trial version. The only limitation is that you will
not be able to use it beyond the trial period.
You will be able to try out ADF, the ADF graphical user interface, and BAND on any machine at your institute during the
free trial.
In order to start the free trial, please follow these two steps:
We will then contact you with download and installation instructions, as
well as a temporary license file. For more information, please contact us via E-mail: sales@scm.com.
For research interests:URL:
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