Explaining the trends of Nuclear Shielding caused by Magnetic moments related to Susceptibilties Copy

The contribution to International Biophysics Congress,Argentina,April 27-May 1, 2002
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The contribution to International Biophysics Congress,Argentina,April 27-May 1, 2002
Poster Presentation at XIV I.B.C, Buenos Aires
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A webpage of this site  https://saravamudhan.tripod.com/id12.html (see the left side links-panel: "other related webpages")consists of a list of the contributions in pususance of the title"Explaining the trends of Nuclear Shielding caused by Magnetic moments related to Susceptibilties"

The events which followed after (year 2003) the reports at the above link of "id12.html" are listed and particulars are posted at the tripod site: http://nehuacin.tripod.com/


CLICK on picture above to display a Web Page "Confview"


    To the Head,ISTAD,CSIR, New Delhi  

With reference to the letter from ISTAD,CSIR No:27/209/83/2002-ISTAD dated: 5(7)-11-2003 I would like to inform you that the CLAIM Bill for the Participation expenses(travel)for the XIV I.B.C. In addition to the already submitted (to the NEHU)Conference Reports (5 Copies) at the behest of the Section Officer,Academic (NEHU) I had to prepare another set of the Conference   Reports (5 copies) to be forwarded to the ISTAD, duly.  

All these materials in the final form as I could prepare them have been given now to the S.O. Academic (NEHU) and I look forward to the further communications from the NEHU to the effect  that these materials could be sent to the ISTAD and subsequently from ISTAD,CSIR on receipt of these materials for the CLAIM of the amount towards my travel to Buenos Aires,Argentina in April-May 2002.

S.Aravamudhan   [POSTED on 15th July 2004]                                                

Find above the Text Copy of the Email message sent to ISTAD,CSIR. Soon after an amount of Rs.15,000/- was received from the CSIR as Foreign Travel Grant for the participation in the XIV International Biophysics Congress in Argentina. .


A WebPAGE where in the 12 SHEETS Displayed at the POSTER presentation for the Discussion Meeting on Structural Biology and Symposium on Biophysics(DMSBSB),Guindy Campus, University of Madras are Linked. This page also contains few SHEETS which were displayed at the XIV International Biophysics Congress, Buenos aires Argentina.

A consideration of the advantages for bilogical systems has been the main concern  in a poster presentation http://aravamudhan-s.ucoz.com/inboxnehu_sa/nmrs2005_icmrbs.html #Poster   the International Conference on Magnetic Resonance of Biological Systems, ICMRBS2005, Hyderabad, India -Jan.16-21.2005