This web page consists of several
hotlinks and uploaded documents with favourite links enlisted. This is one of the early web pages
built by Dr.S.Aravamudhan for documenting Scientific materials which require to be communicated
These three web pages
have been an excercise in trying to find out the optimal way to use the Webbuilding tools for purposes of Scientific Documentation.
The occasion was the POSTER presentation at the 3rd Alpine Conference on Solid State NMR, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France during
Sep. 14-18, 2003. The contents of this webpage include several links to presentation materials on the progress made after
the presentation at the 2nd Alpine Conference on Solid State NMR in Sep. 2001
site has been built for the poster presentation of the 6th Nastional Symposium of the Chemical Resaerch Society of India 'CRSI'
during feb.2003. The 8th meeting of this society, nsc8 is being held in Feb.2006. The abstract submitted can be downloaded
from one of the links at the bottom of this page.
two Webpages contain the materials presented at the Poster sessions in the 17thEENC/32ndAMPERE held in Lille, France
during Sep. 6-11, 2004. These are reports of the progress made after the 3rd Alpine Cionference in 2003.
These web pages contain
the particulars of the conference events during Jan. 2005. These presentation materials are mainly in the context of the Magnetic
resonance of biological systems and are relevant in conjunction with the participations at the XIII (New Delhi, 1999) and
XIV (Buenos Aires, Argentina 2002) International
Biophysics Congress. Also the materials presented in the Indian Biophysics Society are relevant in this context.
two Webpages are as explained earlier related to the contributions at the annual Meetings of the Indian Biophysical Society
where a refernce also has been made to the participation in the XIV International Biophysics congress.